Finding Ampersand Law’s Office

The office is located at 2508 W Club Blvd, Rear Studio, Durham NC 27705. See below for additional wayfinding and parking information.


Ampersand Law’s office is located in the office studio behind the home of Attorney Heather Hazelwood. The house numbers on the homes on this block of W Club Blvd are hard to see and, while in numerical order, they aren’t all 2 digits apart from each other (for example: on this side of the block, the house numbers are 2520, 2514, 2512, 2508, 2504, and 2500). The following information and the “birdseye view” of the block will help you find the office location easily.

2508 W Club Blvd, Durham NC 27705 is located between Hillandale Road and Georgia Ave. You can easily get to this location from Hwy 147 or I-85. The house is a cream-painted brick ranch home with black trim and a metal roof. It is next door to a flat-roof modern style home. Ampersand Law’s office is located in the studio at the end of the driveway (past/behind the house).

Please park on the street. Do not pull into the driveway or park in the driveway. If you have mobility issues that make walking more than a few steps difficult, please let Attorney Heather Hazelwood know before your appointment to make accommodations.

After you’ve parked, walk down the driveway (2508 W Club Blvd will be on your right and the flat-roof modern style home will be on your left). You will see a small building (black with cream trim) at the end of the driveway, past/behind the house. There is a metal Ampersand Law sign to the right of the door. It’s possible you’ll hear dogs greeting you (perhaps loudly) - they will be inside the house (or possibly inside the adjacent fenced yard) and cannot get to the driveway or office area.